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Money Saving Tips for Life Insurance in Australia

10/19/2011 22:25

Here is the truth: life insurance in Australia is something that not a lot of people enjoy talking about. Unless of course you are a life insurance agent, and the mention of the word means a hefty commission. Otherwise, thoughts and conversations about life insurance will make you think about death; something nobody really enjoys dwelling on. To make matters worse, it reminds everybody about expenses and monetary problems.
This is exactly why we decided to make a feature on this: ways to save money when buying life insurance. This article will help you decide on the best ways to maximize your dollar when purchasing life insurance. These simple tips will show you the value of value versus affordability and life-long investments versus short-term ones. Here are our tips:
Know how much you need. You can use a life insurance calculator in Australia to figure out how much you would need to help your beneficiaries get through life without the monetary support you bring them. These calculators may be found online and are offered for free. These help you determine the amount of coverage you would need, among other things.

Check your health. If you think you have some unhealthy habits, stop doing them. Quit smoking, try to lose weight, keep your cholesterol and blood pressure levels in check, and make sure that you are healthy and disease-free. Being healthy will improve your risk factor and will save you money.
Forget about riders. The thing is, when you check out any tool that tells you how much you are covered for like a life insurance calculator, it does not include the price you pay for riders and all these add-on insurance products that your insurance agent will definitely try to sell you. In the end, they are usually useless, so skip these riders instead and invest more on the main policy.